Rarnga - Māori Weaving, Whakapiki Ake

Whakapiki Ake:
About Us

Whakapiki Ake is a recruitment initiative that actively engages with rangatahi Māori, promoting health as a career. We are part of Vision 20:20, the University of Auckland’s Māori and Pacific health workforce development initiative. Its three main programmes offer extensive support for Māori and Pacific students in select secondary schools, kura, and throughout the university’s Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

Whakapiki Ake, Ihipera and Bianca, Auckland University

Whakapiki Ake Project

A Māori recruitment programme that works within a kaupapa Māori framework to support rangatahi Māori enrolled in secondary schools and kura. Whakapiki Ake promotes health as a career and entry into Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences health professional programmes. Whakapiki Ake supports the academic, cultural and social journey of students from Year 9 to graduation, encouraging whānau to participate.

Watch how Whakapiki Ake can ‘Uncover Your Future’ here

Hikitia Te Ora – Certificate in Health Sciences (CertHSc)

This one-year foundation programme bridges the gap between secondary school and university. It prepares Māori and Pacific students for tertiary study in the health professions. Course content focuses on academic and science literacy (including chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and population health) needed for success in first-year courses that provide a pathway to health professional programmes. See more about the Certificate in Health Sciences here.

MAPAS – Māori and Pacific Admission Scheme

Provides academic, cultural and pastoral support for Māori and Pacific students while they journey within the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, to help them successfully complete their studies and graduate. MAPAS Advisors provide a key link between MAPAS students, university student support services, senior MAPAS academic staff, a culturally safe study environment and academic tutorial support services. See more about MAPAS here.

Whakapiki Ake, Ānaru Williams, Doctor of Medicine, Auckland University, Faculty of Medical Health & Sciences
Whakapiki Ake, Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences, Auckland University

Our Team

Whakapiki Ake, Kanewa Stokes, Auckland University

Kanewa Stokes

(Ngāti Porou, Te Whaanau a Apanui)

Kaitiaki – Whakapiki Ake | Māori Health Workforce Recruitment Manager for Whakapiki Ake since 2011. She has a deep understanding of the programme and is responsible for its day-to-day management. She is constantly looking at ways to champion programme innovations and has an extensive network of relationships. Kanewa has a Master of Arts (Social Policy).

Whakapiki Ake, Te Whatu Manawa

Te Whatumanawa Ngatai Tangirua

(Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou)

Kaiurungi Matua – Whakapiki Ake | Lead Māori Health Workforce Engagement Advisor. Te Whatumanawa has been a Recruitment Officer for Whakapiki Ake since 2020. Passionate about Māori health and wellbeing, he is always inspired when working with rangatahi Māori. He also dances professionally for the Royal Family Dance Company. Te Whatumanawa has a Bachelors of Health Sciences majoring in Māori Health.

Whakapiki Ake, Alaina Muriwai-Te Rore

Alaina Muriwai-Te Rore

(Te Roroa, Ngāpuhi)

Kaiurungi – Whakapiki Ake | Navigator. Alaina has extensive experience in Student Support and Pastoral Care within the University and is passionate about Māori rangatahi and tauira success. A creative at heart, Alaina has her Honours Degree in Dance Studies, focusing on the complexities of multi-cultural identity.

Whakapiki Ake, Zoe Corboy

Zoe Corboy

(Whakatōhea/ Ngāpuhi)

Kaiurungi – Whakapiki Ake | Navigator. Zoe holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) and has a strong passion for Hauora Hinengaro. She joined Whakapiki Ake as a recruitment officer in January of 2024 and enthusiastically supports Rangatahi Māori in achieving academic success. Zoe is a Senior Coach at Takapuna Grammar Rowing Club in her spare time and enjoys helping young athletes reach their full potential.

Whakapiki Ake, Lui Hellesoe

Lui Hellesoe

(Ngāi Tuhoe, Togafu’afu’a, Vailoa)

Kaitautoko – Whakapiki Ake | Communication Codesign Analyst. With a foundation in Computer Science, he delves deep into the nexus of technology, Māori frameworks, and education. He has played an instrumental role in researching Māori healthcare and student development. Beyond his academic pursuits, Lui is an avid Python enthusiast, developing machine learning scripts to address data challenges.

Cultural Advisors

Whakapiki Ake, Whaea Dolly Paul

Whaea Dolly Paul


offers a valued presence, wise advice and cultural guidance to staff, students and others involved in Whakapiki Ake.

Whakapiki Ake, Whaea Julie Wade

Whaea Julie Wade


is the Community and Cultural Liaison for Te Kupenga Hauora Māori, assists TKHM kaumatua and supports Whakapiki Ake in a myriad of ways including Whakapiki Ake campus-based events.

Indigenous Leadership

Whakapiki Ake, Professor Papaarangi Reid

Professor Papaarangi Reid

(Te Rarawa)

Works in the fields of Indigenous/Māori health, public health and ethnic disparities research. She has degrees in science and medicine as well as a diploma in obstetrics from the University of Auckland. She also has a diploma in community health from the University of Otago. Her visionary leadership and major academic contribution have been instrumental in developing the nation’s Māori health and research workforce. Professor Reid has held international positions and currently serves as Tumuaki and Head of Te Kupenga Hauora Māori for the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

Our Partners

Whakapiki Ake works with wide-ranging partners to open up opportunities for rangatahi and their whānau. Whakapiki Ake relies on relationships across the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences and the University. Whakapiki Ake maintains a strong partnership with the Ministry of Health, receiving funding through its Workforce Development stream. Whakapiki Ake also partners with iwi, schools, kura kaupapa Māori, district health boards, other recruitment programmes, other groups and organisations.